Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What I learned

Things I found out, things people told me, things I wish people had told me...

First things first:

- Ask everybody for advice, but in the end only do what YOU think is best.
(and remeber: every baby is different, every mother is different)
- You don't need to be perfect, 'good enough' is good enough.

Taking care of yourself

- If you take good care of yourself, you take good care of the baby.
- You're allowed to take Tylenol after labour, also when you're breastfeeding. They might not tell you this until three days after labour, when your milk comes in. Why they don't tell you right away, when you're dealing with the pain of the stitches, is beyond me.
- Sleep when the baby sleeps.. but don't fret over it. Lying down with a book is good too.

Monday, January 15, 2007

That was then

Such was my former life.

Since my last post, Alexander found a job back home. I got pregnant on our last holiday in expat-country. We moved. It all seemed too good to be true. And of course, it was. We had a death in the family. I got put on bedrest for the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy.

In June, I got the most beautiful baby boy. He's called Mio here.

And that's when my new life started.